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Slot car racing never went away — It just went underground.

Firstly, we’re sorry this took so long. We’ve just been too busy racing, and boy our hands are exhausted. Norcal Slotcar has come about because we may be seeing the resurgence of slot cars as a hobby! I know, exciting right? It’s been decades since slot car parlors invaded the world, and the USA, with what seemed like one on almost every corner. Just imagine if every Starbucks was actually a slot car track 😵‍💫. Slot car racing in the greater San Francisco Bay Area had at one time been robust, and plentiful. What many people don’t know, is that slot cars never actually went away — It went underground. Slot car tracks exist all over the bay area, and with some help, we can maybe make slot cars a great hobby for everyone once again!

Thanks for joining us on this journey.